Virtual Pinball Machine
The Virtual Pinball Tabletop runs a computing unit optimized for Android and an encoder unit to translate the input from arcade buttons used in the Digital Pinball machine. We use a pure, minimalistic product-design which uses only the essential elements needed. This combination makes it possible to offer a kit for a reasonable price. Furthermore, you can connect it to your PC to play Future Pinball, Visual Pinball and many more. For this purpose, there will be an optional backglass mount available in the future. With our new Nintendo Switch Version you can connect the Sharpin to your Nintendo Switch docking station and play your Switch Pinball Games on it.
standalone system
PC connection possible
reasonable price
pure aesthetics
vPin Development
Virtual Pinball Machine
Choose from a variety of high quality Android pinball and arcade games such as Pinball Deluxe: Reloded, The Pinball Arcade and many others
PC connection
If you want to play Virtual Pinball Games games only available on the PC, just connect it to your workstation and play Future Pinball, Virtual Pinball and many more.
play any game
This system isn’t limited to just pinball games. Connect a gamepad and play any Android game you like in portrait mode.
FULL-SIZE Virtual Pinball Machine is here
We created a new Virtual Pinball Kit with 43 inch monitor, legs and backglass. We put a lot of effort into the Sharpin King to reach the level of perfection you are used to from Sharpin Products.
Unlike our competitors our parts are not cheap China materials. We use highest level quality wood from Germany and environment friendly Design Stickers from Austria.